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  • Writer's pictureJamie

That One Time I Ran A 5K (Jumping Out of Your Comfort Zone)

Four years ago, my school put on its own version of the color run. Different groups from the campus gathered together and were stationed at certain points where they doused the runners in colored cornstarch!

Now, let me get one thing straight, I am not an avid runner. I think it’s a great workout, but I’ve never really enjoyed it the way many do. However, it has been on my bucket list to be in a 5k, just to say I’ve done it! So, my friend and I signed up!

And you know what?

It was fun!

Running still isn’t my “thing” but taking a chance on something I wasn’t necessarily good at made me realize that the world won’t end if you step out of your comfort zone.

   Jumping out of our comfort zone is how we fall in love with new thing’s, it’s how we develop passions. If you never took that step, you wouldn’t have fallen in love with say, kick boxing, you wouldn’t have met some people who turned out to change your life, and perhaps you wouldn’t have gained the knowledge that THIS is what you want to do with your life.

When we were babies, we were always doing something new. Tasting different foods, taking a step and falling down on our rear end, we even try to climb up the stairs! However, somewhere along the way we lost the confidence to try new things. Some people never get that confidence back—but many do. But it doesn’t come without fear. Be that baby, take that step, you might fall down, but that’s okay. Because eventually, you will walk, and you'll find that walking is far better than crawling.

I've recently ran another 5k in the bahamas as part of the Disney Cruise!

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